Glenn Ashton, Failure to administer participatory democracy aggravates instability in South Africa

Rebecca Davis, Abortion in South Africa. A conspiracy of silence

The right to freedom of choice in relation to terminating pregnancies is one of the progressive laws enacted after 1994. Continue reading

Mahmood Mamdani, Senseless [and sensible] violence. Mourning the dead at Westgate Mall

Raymond Suttner, Response to comments on my article in the Mail and Guardian of 27 September 2013

I recently published an article analysing the degeneration of the ANC led tripartite alliance. Continue reading

Gregor Gysi, How serious is germany about its democratic principles

Paul Vallely, Pope Francis-not so much reformer as revolutionary

Personally, I have been cautious on Pope Francis because of his role during the Argentinian junta period and his apparent hostility Continue reading

Carol Paton, What kind of federation will emerge from the Vavi fracas?

Raymond Suttner on disintegration of the ANC/SACP/COSATU alliance

The tripartite alliance has sold its soul

Nomboniso Gasa, The sting is in Vavi’s choice of words

Dave Lindorf, Obamas grotesque hypocrisy over cluster bombs

Obama’s Grotesque Hypocrisy Over Cluster Munitions

Greg Nicolson, Marikana police lied and faked Farlam commission evidence

Victor Jara, Chilean Stadium (last song)

[With thanks to Jon Soske:] September 16, 1973: “Along with Andean and Chilean folk songs, he sang a ‘manifesto’ composed his the second night there. The militia recognized him for his song and fame and removed him from the crowd. The guards tore off his nails, smashed his hands, and ordered him to play the guitar. He was found dead a week later with signs of brutal treatment and gunshot wounds. The ‘manifesto’ survived by both the detainees who memorized the song and the scraps of paper containing Jara’s handwritten lyrics.”

Translated by Joan Jara. Read by Adrian Mitchell. From the album Manifiesto [Canciones Póstumas]

Aaron Magid, Syria chemical attack underlines need for Israeli shift on non conventional weapons (from Jewish Daily Forward)

Iara Lee, Accidental diplomacy in the devils’ playground

John Capel: State fails Marikana workers by not paying lawyers

The focus of some on the fees of Dali Mpofu (much lower than the evidence leaders and others) detracts from the broader duty of the state Continue reading

Eduardo Galeano, The right to dream–-a-utopia-according-to-eduardo-galeano/

Angela Davis, Terrorism is part of our history, part of speech to commemorate the 1962 Birimingham bombings of four schoolgirls

Khadija Patel, Shack dwellers take the fight to eThekwini and the ANC takes note

UN reports that chemical weapons were used in Syria

While the Syrian government had the capacity to launch the chemical weapons were there no other parties capable of such an attack?

Glenn Ashton, Failure to feed our people: South Africa’s lacklustre food security policy