Mwelela Cele, Tribute to Prof Jeff Guy who died this week

For Prof Jeff Guy

I received the news of Professor Jeff Guy’s passing while I was at another fountain of knowledge, Continue reading

Raymond Suttner, Evaluation of the Bisho march and massacre, 1992

In light of Gwede Mantashe blaming the Bisho massacre on actions of Ronnie Kasrils, this article may be of interest

Nomboniso Gasa, The so-called “Grand Narrative”: phrase that irritates like a buzzing mosquito

The “Grand Narrative” phrase is an interesting concept

Continue reading

Pallo Jordan responds to Ellis on the role of white communists in finalising the Freedom Charter text

Pallo Jordan relates Stephen Ellis’s attack on the white communist role Continue reading

Nelson Mandela, statement from the Dock, Rivonia Trial 1964

Nelson Mandela, statement from the Dock, Rivonia Trial 1964